Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Spring is in the air

The gods are aligned against The Roni. As much as she wants to put her feet up and get comfy with a big glass of bitter, jaded cynicism, it seems that everyone, everywhere is standing in her way.
First it was spring break. The Roni spent the past week in Paris being surrounded beautiful sights, beautiful lovers, beautiful fois gras and pain au chocolate, and I'll be damned if I could muster up the strength to be bitter. It was just too plumb hard.
And then I come back, and what do I find but gorgeous, 80 degree weather and all the smiling faces of the Panty Posse welcoming me back. It all made me, dare I say it, optimistic!
And then, and here the gods really must have been plotting, but I got my belated valentine's day present from The NS - which was a lovely book on "The Art of Making Love" - and on the inside cover she had inscribed a little message reminding me of my very own words, to love love and "put our bitter, jaded cynicism to bed." See http://princessandpeanut.blogspot.com/2006/01/love-is-in-air.html (Damn you, internet! Recording my "words" and reminding everyone of my "optimism"! If I want to be a jaded old bag, I should have the right to be, without everyone, ahem, hoisting me on my own petard!)
And so The Roni lay down her sword, as it were. I gave up. Try as I might, I can't fight the gods - once again I am a slave to my own cursed optimism! I love love! I love the birds chirping and the sun shining and flirtatious emails and come hither eyelid batting! I love coyish blushing and naughty minx eyebrow raises! I love it all, damnit! I have been bitten by, as the french say, L'Amour!
Now let's be clear, this is not me saying I am actually in like with anyone in particular. No no no! That ship has sailed. Many times. And that ship has been rejected by foreign ports right and left lately, my friends. So the ship is in the harbor, if you know what I mean. (That made no sense.) My point is simply that, in the spirit of spring and youthful flirtatious, we should all indulge our inner lover for a bit. (Lover pron: luvah) Open that bottle of wine when you're watching 8th and Ocean tonight! Send that elipses-filled email to that certain someone in your 100+ person Crim Adjudication class! Wink at the bartender when you're out on the town!
The pont is this, friends, it's time to get off the bench! Get out there and make something happen. It is the winter of our discontent no longer; spring forward! Preferably on to some fine young thing you've seen around. The Roni is certainly looking to stir up some drama. After all, what else am I going to do this spring if I can't send coyish, witty emails in class?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

this long awaited post was great... i have to agree there is something about great weather and outdoor beer pong that just makes me feel like this semester is going to be awesome... even a full day of classes and realizing that i have no idea what is going on in all my classes couldn't stop this good feeling

4:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

now that it's cold, love seems to be leaving... i can't remember the last time i met someone and had a crush (not counting my insane number of facebook crushes of course)...hopefully the weather will change again and we'll get another fantastic blog update for the love lady herself

3:22 PM  

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