Saturday, November 18, 2006

Something to remember

I was having a little chat with my darling Sweedish friend La Brez about boys who done us wrong (trust The Roni, it was not a short conversation...), and as I was leaving I couldn't stop thinking about something. And I had to make sure I told La Brez before I went to bed, and before the conversation had faded from her mind. So I wrote her this email. And I wanted to share it with all of you because, sure, The Roni ate nothing today but 14 pieces of Super Bubble, 7 ginger snaps and a poly-o, so those 4 glasses of wine at 10 kind of hit her the wrong way, and sure, she's been feeling a bit on the toasty side of burned lately, but this has kind of been the one thought that's brought me through my morass of undesirability, and I think it might help any of you who are feeling similarly singed by the singles scene. So here's the email, sent at 12:44am on a Friday night upon returning from the lib (and drinking 4 glasses of two-day-old pinot):

hey, i was just thinking about what we were talking about tonight, and i wanted to say one thing - all these boys come and go through our lives and our minds and unfortunately, sometimes our hearts, but in the end, the one thing you have to know is that you are you. no one can change who you are. how someone thinks of you, or doesn't think of you, as the case may be, means nothing about who you are. you're just as gorgeous and funny and fabulous as you were the day before you met the prick who dicked you over. and you're still as wonderful as you were the day before you fell in love. so when some guy does you wrong, just remember that that doesn't change you. no matter what some stupid mexican med student thinks of you, or what some socially awkward, law review bean pole thinks of you, you're still an incredible person, and we are all lucky to have you as a friend. they're the ones who didn't get the message - it has nothing to do with who you are. just remember that.

Happy hunting,
The Roni


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