Tuesday, October 31, 2006

You know what's lame?

It's official. Dating in the modern era has reached a new low. I now use facebook to do all my most covert relationship stalking. Crime doesn't pay, people. Let's put it this way: if you have to use facebook to find it out, it's not worth knowing.

God, I just know that TOMORROW facebook is going to surprise us with a new feature that tells you who's been viewing your profile. If you find out that The Roni's been snooping on your page, well then I either hate you and was wondering if you've finally been selected for NASA's new super top secret space program wherein you will have the joy and delight of experiencing space travel for the next 50 years (The Roni's generous alternative to a well-placed car bomb) or I want you to break up with your girlfriend for me. Either way, it can't be good.


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