Monday, October 30, 2006

Things to Be Happy About

Good morning, darlings! 'Tis a beautiful day here in Charvegas, and The Roni is feeling plum full up with excitement! And, in the spirit of giving, I thought I'd share with you a few of the reasons to be happy today.
First of all, the sun is shining and it is allegedly going to be 75 degrees today. After the streak of rainy, sub-50 degree days we've been having here, I'd say that's reason enough to celebrate!
But no, there's more! Today The Roni has broken out the cream, cable knit leggings she's had sitting in her closet since last winter, and let me tell you - they're fabu. In case you're curious (Regina, this means YOU), The Roni is rocking the cable-knit tights with a mini, argyle and clogs. Word. It's preppy-chic today. You know you love it. (GWM, I know YOU love it.)
And finally, in a bittersweet turn of events (and you're just going to have to trust The Roni on this one) the final reason we should all be happy today is this: The MPRE, that devilish little exam on why lawyers can't sleep with their clients, and if they do, they have to pull out. No joke. That came straight from the barbri rep's mouth - The Roni would never say anything that scandalous!!
But seriously, here is why we should all be happy for the MPRE. If you're like The Roni (then you LOVE spice!! Oh, sorry, that was a Rachel Ray-ism...). If you're like me, then you have spent your days thus far this fine second-to-last semester doing the following: (1) Playing golf. (2) Watching Ellen. (3) Cooking elaborate meals on a whim with housemates. (Thank you, Rachel Ray, for the beef stroganoff idea - it was delicious.) (4) Drinking. So basically, The Roni has done nothing school related since, well, May. True story. If I added up the number of hours I've spent in a classroom this fall, the number would be a single digit. Sweet. But now that there is this EXAM looming in front of me which I HAVE to pass in order to earn gobs of money for reading wikipedia (S Corp? What the hell is that?) and contracts all day (and night), I am forced to spend my days in my favorite coffee shop...wait for it...studying. GASP! Normally The Roni would be saying "quelle tragedie!" Mais non! Instead, this coerced edumacation is HELPING The Roni by kicking her butt into gear! So what she won't be able to watch Ellen AT 11am in the hopes that her Ellen and Portia costume picture makes it into the monologue - that's what DVR is for! And so what that she can't play golf this week - that place is built on lies and broken promises anyways. The Roni scoffs in its general direction. (Plus it's ass cold. But whatever.) And SO WHAT that The Roni and her lovies can't drink the usual 1.5 bottles of wine per night...oh wait. I don't have an upside for that one. Well, there's always next month.
But you see where The Roni is going with this, no? It's time we MOTIVATE, people! Let's stop being lazy, hedonistic, carefree countryclubbers! Let's HIT THE LIBRARY! Let's work in coffee shops! Let's do what we do best, and that's flex our massive mental muscle. (Well, that and assembling fabulous, cutting edge outfits with nothing but the assortment of delicious pieces in our collective closet...)
So I don't know about you, but The Roni is pretty excited for the chance to do something productive again. Thank goodness I just spend 38 minutes composing this epistle with my MPRE book open in front of me...


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